Please note that the following article is incomplete and/or its contents might change at any time. Tread carefully!
Uni projects#
There are many projects I have written over the years - some of these are various assignments, others were pure curiosities. Since they are still interesting and relevant, I will mention a few of them in this list.
If you are only interested in my (unofficial) transcript, please click here.
Table of contents#
They have been neatly organized below:
4th year (2024-2025) - obviously unavailabe, check back in 2025;
3rd year (2023-2024)
Computer Graphics - various OpenGL projects and presentations:
(OpenGL) Plants vs. Zombies - A smaller version of the original Plants vs. Zombies. Check out the code repository.
(OpenGL) World of Tanks - A (simplified) WoT clone. Check out the code repository as well.
(Presentation) Advanced collision detection techniques - A presentation about how collisions really work in the 3d space (NOT limited to approximations, such as spheres and AABBs).
Computer Networks - a switch implementation and an advanced Linux configuration
Switch - A Python script that simulates the behaviour of a switch. The code is available here
Linux network config - An advanced networking configuration for an Ubuntu-based Docker container.
Parallel and Distributed Algorithms - there were 3 projects, but the most interesting one is the BitTorrent protocol simulation, written in C++ using MPI. You can, however, check out the repositories for each of them.
2nd year (2022-2023)
Communication Protocols
Router - A C implementation of a router, focused on robustness and ease-of-use. The code is open-source.
TCP/UDP client-server integration - A simple C++ application which allows UDP clients to connect to a server that works as a broker, communicating with other TCP clients.
Operating Systems
ELF Loader - TODO - description
Thread scheduler - TODO - description
Asynchronous Web Server - TODO - description
Object Oriented Programming
GwentStone - A complex card game simulator for a game that combines mechanics from both Hearthstone and Gwent. Check out the repository right here.
POO TV - A modular user-webpage interaction simulation for a media streaming platform. The projects was written in two parts, each with their own repository.
1st year (2021-2022)
There were many projects that we've had to complete, but those aren't as impressive as the more recent ones; most of the "boring" projects were omitted.
Computer Programming - a bunch of C programs that we've had to write from scratch:
PPM/PGP Image Editor - A simple yet powerful image manipulation command-line software, designed for quick filtering and algebraic transformations. The code is freely available.
Octave Simulator - Not as impressive as the original Octave project, but a working prototype capable of advanced matrix computation. You can also check out the code.
3rd year (2023-2024)#
Plants vs. Zombies#
World of Tanks#
Advanced collision detection techniques#
A great help for this presentation came in the form of a (very mathematical) book called "Real-Time Collision Detection", written by Christer Ericson. As any other student would do, we had first searched the internet for online resources, but came out empty. Thus, we relied on this great book!
In our presentation, we've only scratched the surface - yet we've covered simple bounding boxes, plane-plane and triangle-triangle intersections and volume hierarchies.
A copy of the presentation (written in Romanian) can be downloaded here.
Linux network config#
BitTorrent Protocol Simulation#
2nd year (2022-2023)#
This was the first homework for the PCom course. It consists of a router implementation (from scratch, obviosly).
You can check out my solution for the task here. TODO
TCP/UDP client-server integration#
This homework implements a simple C++ application which allows UDP clients to connect to a server that acts like a broker, communicating with TCP subscribers.
The implementation is written in modern C++ (C++ 17) and contains some useful extra features, such as logging capabilities and gracefully quiting when Ctrl+C
is pressed (SIGINT).
You can check out my solution for the task here.
REST API integration#
This PCom homework implements a working web client that communicates via a REST API. My code reimplements every .c
/ .h
file that is provided in the original lab files in modern C++ for ease of use.
PCom is an abbreviation for Protocoale de Comunicație (en. Network Protocols).
You can check out my solution for the task here.
ELF Loader#
This is a simple ELF loader for Linux that allows statically-linked executables to be loaded using a demand paging mechanism. The project was written in C as a programming assignment (SO, 2nd year, 1st sem.).
SO is an abbreviation for Sisteme de Operare (en. Operating Systems).
As of right now, I don't have permissions to publish my work.
Thread scheduler#
Asynchronous Web Server#
This is a complex card game simulator (a combination of Hearthstone and Gwent). The project was written in Java as a programming assignment for the Object Oriented Programming class (1st semester).
TODO - longer description
You can check it out here.
This project is a complex user-webpage interaction simulation. It is part of a computer science assignment for the Object Oriented Programming course (1st semester).
POO is an abbreviation for Programare Orientată pe Obiecte (en. Object Oriented Programming).
POO TV - Frist stage#
TODO - description
You can check out my solution for the first stage here. The task itself should be available on (however, please note that it is written in Romanian).
POO TV - Second stage#
TODO - description
You can check out my solution for the second stage here. The task itself should be available on (however, keep in mind that it is written in Romanian).
1st year (2021-2022)#
PPM/PGP Image Editor#
This is a PPM/PGM image manipulation software, designed for advanced filtering and algebraic transformations. The project was written in C as a programming assignment (PCLP, 1st year, 1st sem.);
You can check it out here.
Octave Simulator#
The projects consists of an Octave-like matrix-based simulator which computes a wide range of transformations on matrices, vectors and scalars. The project was written in C as a programming assignment (PCLP, 1st year, 1st sem.).
PCLP is an abbreviation for Programarea Calculatoarelor și Limbaje de Programare (en. Computer Programming and Programming Languages).
You can check it out here.